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Call for Abstracts


ATTENTION: Abstract Submission is closed!




International conference "Phraseology and (naïve) psychology"

Institute of Slavic Studies, University of Graz

April 7 - 10, 2016


The goal of the conference is to examine how linguistic, that is naïve, aspects of psychology are reflected in Slavic phraseology (in a broad sense, including collocations and proverbs). The conference aims to shed light on the linguistic image of psychological states and processes. Questions we'd like to explore in the conference include:

• What do phraseological units tell us about a naïve model of physiological processes associated with emotions (e.g. get on sb's nerves, butterflies in the belly, shiver with fear)?

• What do phraseological units tell us about a naïve model of the relation between sensory perception and cognitive processes, such as thinking, reasoning, and understanding (e.g., lend an ear, close one's eyes to sth.)?

• What do phraseological units tell us about a naïve model of interpersonal relations and oppositions, such as clever - stupid, emotional - rational, sensitive - insensitive?

• Can we identify any scientific elements within this naïve psychology?

• Can naïve psychology be helpful in teaching L1 and L2 phraseology?

This list of possible topics is not exhaustive and other issues related to naïve psychology may be raised in the conference. We invite abstracts on topics related to either the analysis of one particular Slavic languages (including dialects) or comparative analyses between Slavic languages as well as between Slavic and non-Slavic languages.

Working languages of the conference: All Slavic languages, German and English. Presentation length: 15 minutes (followed by a 5-minute discussion).

Conference costs: The conference fee is 50.00 EUR and includes the organization of the conference, technical appliances for the conference and a social gathering with dinner. Other costs (transport, accommodation, food) are to be covered by the participants themselves. A list of hotels will be sent together with the notification of acceptance of the paper.

Important dates:

15 November 2015: Authors submit the registration form and the abstract in the language of the presentation with a translation into English or German (Times New Roman, font 12, line spacing 1.15, up to 150 words) to: sekretariat.slawistik(at)uni-graz.at

1 January 2016: Organizers notify authors of acceptance status. 


We look forward to your participation!



Conference Coordinators


Agnieszka Będkowska-Kopczyk

Merangasse 70/I
8010 Graz

Phone:+43 316 380 - 2530


Heinrich Pfandl

Merangasse 70/I
8010 Graz

Phone:+43 316 380 - 2525

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